Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Influenza - H1N1

Im having Influenza on Wednesday, doctor give me 3 days MC. He says this is wat MOM rules. My influenza is on higher risk of getting H1N1. So he gave me Tamiflu unfortunately it is not covered by AIA. So i was frustrated, not tat i want to get this Flu. Stay at home..........scarry right cause I got 5 kids and a mother which have High Blood Pressure.

Tawakkal to Allah..........................

We MISS AB alot

We miss him a lot..................................After my Ibu gave away him to her friend. This is the latest photo of AB after he went for major check-up and make over. Ibu said she will try to get her friend to send MMS picture of latest AB.

Shopping for shoes

Adek got this shoe because it is an offer from ayah.
Mirrah got this shoes cause she got all A1 for all subjects.

Iffah got this shoes cause wat Mirrah buy she also must have to.

And this shoes is for Ibu who always pester Ayah to buy cause her marathon shoes is too tight for her to go exercise. Thanks Ayah...............

Happy Birthday to my Best friend Marhaini Kasmani

Last Sunday, I make a point to meet my secondary school best friend. Last meet her is about Mirrah 1 year old. How time flies. She lose a lot of weight. We really hug each other for a long time maklum la dah lama tak jumpa.
When can we meet again?

Proud of Mirrah 'Adilah

Mirrah completed her alive card and she got this from the principal. Even her SA1 all subject she got A1.
I highly believe that my daughter deserve this badge.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

MJ in memory

You are not alone.......Lagunye sungguh sedih..............

Please listen to tat song............