Sunday, July 29, 2007

Jemputan Kahwin and Tunang

Nasib baik ade dua anak perempuan yang sanggup menemankan kite ke jemputan kahwin.
Pandai melawa pulak tu......
Wat happen Iffah? Yok gi jemputan nanti dapat makan.......
Balik jemputan matapun jadi mengantuk....

Cucu Kak Ros Birthday

After tat we straight to Aloha Loyang to another birthday party. Cucu kak the bungalow is so big. My children luv it so much....

Aiman's Birthday at NTUC Chalet

Aiman celebrate his birthday at NTUC chalet on Saturday 28th July. Advance birthday gift from his Ayah........
The Abang2 wishes you Aiman Happy Birthday.......
Plus both of your Aunties.........
Alamak!!!! Tak boleh angkat la dia orang2 posing.....kalah birthday boy....

At the Zoo

TV tat is 42"

Wat are the both of them doing?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Bad News for Ibu

Ibu will no longer be with her lovely assistant anymore. Assistant whom she can talk, go shopping and laugh together.
For you my dear....Hope you will tabah menghadapi Dept yang baru. Ingat dont forget me ok!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Tart......Kueh Tart

Wat shes doing on Sunday? Shes been working for the whole week but she got time to make thisssss!!!!! Our favourite...
Alamak she make two type of tart...Cheese tart? Not the same as Mama one but still we finish it off in a second..... Thanks IBU we love you!!!!!!

Mirrah and Iffah National Day Rehearsal

I,ve got tatto from kak Wirda who got National Day goodies.
Look at our cheeks...definitely our Ayah will scold us....

We the citizen of Singapore. Pledge ourself as one as Hamzan's daughter....He he he he

My Cik Bob Hospitalize

She kena hospitalize after an operation...... Speedy recovery.....Fuyoh one month mc best nyeeeee. Untungnye Nana and Syaswan......mother mc one month.
Ape yang mereka berbual....Tak habisnye cerita pasal Phuket......

Saturday, July 07, 2007

After the Tahlil

Now all the ladies pulak makan....where are the rest????

Kesian nye Hirzi.......makan tangan kiri...

Alamak yai dengan cucu sama posing la.......lepas makan......

Nigh of the Kenduri

Everybody paticipating in baca Yassin.........

Cik Roslan from Istiqamah memimpin bacaan Yaasin.......

Even pat dalam bilik and dapur too.......Alhamdullillah mereka semua masih mengingati Arwah Nyai (The best woman we ever had!!!!!)
Selepas Kenduri....Santapan khas dari Cik Semi untuk semua.....My hubby lupa ke...dia kan tuan rumah makan dulu ke....

Adek menikmati santapan dia......

Night of Kenduri Tahlil

Senyuman yang manis tak boleh terangkat la...........

Half the kids in my house.......

My kitchen yang penuh sesak!!!!!

My two aunties yang sanggup tolong.......Tenqqqqqqqq
Kenduri started with bacaaan Yaasin and doa tahlil.

Morning of Kenduri Tahlil 40 hari

We had macdonald breakfast at home. Abang after eating must help ibu to bersih the house.

And you too adek.......remember work at once!!!!!

Mirrah and Iffah please stay away!!!!!!!!!!

Got Caught!!!! Whose doing the housework now????????

And these two abangs.....doing what???????