Wednesday, June 21, 2006

To Orchard Road

Ayah dan Ibu tak kerja so they thought of bringing us to Sentosa but it rains heavily then we go to Orchard instead. This picture sedang tunggu Ayah ambil truck dekat Forum Galleria.....jauh tu....
Anak Hamzan dengan gaya rambut tersendiri cuma Abg Isz1 tak ikut serta.......
Wirda and Iffah with colourful hat representing Brazil.....ready for the World Cup...Ole Ole Ole Ole
Even dia sedang sakit..(demam) he still enjoys himself.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Mak Long and Pak Long Birthday

Last Sunday was Mak Long and Pak Long birthday. Mereka raikan dengan begitu gah sekali maklumlah masuk ke 50 tahun. Semoga dimurahkan rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur...Amin...
Bukan main lagi Iffah and Mirrah posing. Baju disponsor oleh the auntie...... Thanks to them too.
Yang ini kumpulan the pinkish...all of them in pink termasuk mak budak.....Maybe this is practice for hari raya nanti ke? Jadi tak nak standardised all girls wear pink?????????
These two are the guardian for Mirrah and Iffah....Thanks Ana and Iqah
All the biras also ambil gambar...... maybe to release stress agaknya....
Iffah eagerness to participate with the games....
Abang Dzul is a very good tuan rumah really makes us feel at ease......Thanks

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Part 3 - Barbeque

Mirrah and Abang Isz'zuan with Fakri on the top of power supply block.

After the games....we have a big meeting with kumpulan senior...their attention is to combine with our junior groups.
It seems so serious....and the meeting ends at 12.00 am

Part Two - Barbecue on 10th June

Kesian yang si kecik kecik tak boleh participate..Next time must tell the organiser must include the small one...
This is the birthday boy....Shahmi he celebrate his birthday there....
Walaupun tak dapat ikut serta main games iffah tetap posing bila ambil gambar....
Eddie and Inah orientate to participant

Barbecue on 10th Jun

We play charade....Abang kencang sih...
Some of my makcik....tengah relaks.....
Its Wirda turn......rabbit ke atau bugs bunny.....
My two Yai's grumbling cause its raining when they start to barbecue.

Barbecue at DownTown East- chalet

On the 9th Jun...My family gathering held at Downtown East Chalet. My two son and Wirda stay there with their auntie and Nyai Ya..... See Mirrah kepenatan setelah habis swimming.
Cik Bob smsing all the relatives for the address to be given on Saturday for the barbecue..
Wirda happy to be there.....
Not forgettting Syaszwan and Nana also happy to be there too. Playing xbox.
Nyai Ya seems to be very tired layani karena anak and her cucu cucu.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

See the World

Terlalu hiba melihat gambar gambar yang menyedihkan ini. Sehingga kan orang yang mengambil gambar ini telah membunuh diri nya sendiri akibat tekanan yang tak dapat dia elakkan.
Orang yang kekurangan makanan sentiasa dalam kesedihan. Ingatlah wahai kita kita jangan membazir makanan.
Anak ini terlalu lapar sehinggakan tiada ucapan diberikan. Anak anak kita harus bersikap sederhana dalam semua aspek....Ingatlah mereka harus bersyukur dengan apa yang mereka ada jangan meminta apa yang tak mampu diberikan oleh ibu bapa....