Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Our Charlie Angels

Our Charlie Angels see how cute they are........ Kak Wir become the chief.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Isz1 Art Work

This is Abang Isz1 art work. He design this name specially to me his mother. Took about only 3 minutes to do it.

Keep it Up Abang.....Excellent...............

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Forget to tell u, both our Abangs ni share a same birthday date. 19 November tapi bukan kembar, hanya kembar tahun. Abang in 1991 and Adek in 1993.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Family of Hi - 5 Children

Jaga lima orang anak bukan nya senang. Alhamdullilah Allah memberi saya zuriat yang bagi saya cukup menyenangkan, walaupun tidak dinafikan ada kalanya perangai mereka harus kita tanggani satu persatu. Yang dewasa saya rasa harus solve it in adult way, dan yang kecil harus kita solve it in children way. I am a working mother, for me if tak jumpa them for a day i will miss them sooooo much. Anyway, i make a point to call back home during lunch time just to keep track of them and tell them that i do care for them.

Bila mereka sakit, i feel so worried, have to really looked seriously in taking care of them. Whether duniawi atau ukhrawi mereka. Sebagai ibu bapa, kita harus give more care to them.
Mungkin kadangkala kesempitan jugak rasanya, namun i percaya setiap anak ada rezekinya.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Iffah Khairunnisaa' Binte Hamzan

My fifth child is Iffa Khairunnisaa'. Kita panggil dia Iffah orangnya very active macam Adek. And always bully Mira kesian dia..... Dia ini suka kacau dan bongkar orang punya barang always kena marah dengan Kak Wir. U can see, rambut dia macam maggie ikut Aisha anak cik Ati yang ada 3 anak dara tu........Iffah ada lesung pipit bila dia senyum manis tau!!!!!!!!!

Mirrah 'Adilah Binte Hamzan (Mira)

Mirrah 'Adilah lahir ke dunia dengan penuh kasih sayang dari kami kerana jarak antara Wirda amat jauh. Mungkin completed kata orang. Dua lelaki and dua perempuan. This daughter of mine is very girl type.
Never shout always talks nicely and she is very lovable and huggable . Dia suka di peluk dan selalu cakap i luv u. Going to nursery next year. Satu yang tak suka dia mudah menangis macam Neng Yatimah.

Wirda Izzati Binte Hamzan (Kak Wir)

Anak kita yang ketiga namanya Wirda Izzati Binte Hamzan. She is copyright of Wahida (ibu dia). Dia seorang anak yang baik and she always likes to confront with us whenever she is indoubt. Seorang kakak yang cukup pandai membaca dan mengajar adik adik. One thing i do not like about her is dia mudah merajuk and always tries to get more attention from us. Education wise she is good..............

Muhd Izhar (Adek)

Our second son, Mud Izhar, kita panggil dia Adek even though ke bawah dia ada lagi 3 adik perempuan.

Anak kita yang ini terlalu active and very playful. His really always find excuses bila tak nak buat something especially homework. The only son that always gives my heart beat goes faster when concerning his school work. Tapi dia seorang anak yang baik hati always helps his classmate. I like him when we go shopping I always like him to comment on my buying, and he can give u a good complimentary. Right now, PSLE must work very very hard.

Muhd Isz'zuan Bin Hamzan (Abg Isz'1)

This is our 1st son. We called him Abang. Biasalah anak pertama. Dia tak banyak cakap mungkin boleh dikategori kan seorang yang pendiam. But once, bila buka mulut, pedas sekali cakapan nya. Like father like son. One thing about him is, i like to tell about his brother problem to him. And trained him to become Big Abang and teach all the goods things to his brother and sisters. Everybody said, his handsome...........betul tak?

Picture taken when his 1 1/2 years old.

Our Hi-5 Children

We called them Hi-5 children because we have 5 children. And each of them have different characters. We like to share these moments with you. For us to explore and for you to comments lets visit my blog frequently. Thank you..

Friday, September 16, 2005

My cutest twins daughter

Mirrah 'Adilah and Iffah Khairunisaa' are my twins daughter. So called. Their birthday only on weeks laps from each other.

Mirrah - 16 October 2005
Iffah - 10 October 2005

These two are my cutest daughter. Actually i have another daughter she is also superb in everything she do.

More to come !!!!!!!